Violations of University of Hartford regulations as listed will be noted on a citation when it is issued. Anyone of these violations maybe issued as a WARNING which carries no monetary fine, but still counts as a citation Issued see below. The list of violations and fines supersedes any previous information and is not all inclusive.
Moving violations and citations for parking in designated handicapped parking spaces without a valid government-issued permit can't be appealed by faculty, staff, or students online or through the Traffic Appeals Board. If you wish to appeal those violations, you must schedule a hearing with the chief of Public Safety.
Students issued a citation for Speeding at a rate of 41 or more miles per hour, reckless driving, or in possession of a counterfeit permit, may result in all parking AND driving privileges being suspended for the rest of that academic year with NO APPEAL, or be ineligible for a ban reinstatement.
Violations and Appeals
TAB refers to Traffic Appeals Board
Violation: Abandoned/Unregistered Vehicle
Fine: $50
Appeal: TAB, online
Blocking Dumpster
Fine: $25
Appeal: TAB, online
Crossing Solid Yellow Line
Fine: $25
Moving Violation
Appeal: Parking Services/Public Safety only
Disregarding Stop Sign
Fine: $25
Moving Violation
Appeal: Parking Services/Public Safety only
Driving Wrong Side of Two-Way Road
Fine: $25
Moving Violation
Appeal: Parking Services/Public Safety only
Driving Wrong Way 1 way Rd
Fine: $25
Moving Violation
Appeal: Parking Services/Public Safety only
Exceeding Posted Time Limit
Fine: $50
Appeal: TAB, online
Failure to Grant Pedestrian Right Of Way
Fine: $100
Moving Violation
Appeal: Parking Services/Public Safety only
Front Of Residential Hall, midnight–7 a.m.
Fine: $25
Appeal: TAB, online
Illegal Use Of Cell Phone
Fine: $25
Moving Violation
Appeal: Parking Services/Public Safety only
Impeding Traffic
Fine: $25
Appeal: TAB, online
Improper Display Of Permit
Fine: $10
Appeal: TAB, online
Loading Or Restricted Zone Parking
Fine: $50
Appeal: TAB, online
Using Reported Lost/Stolen or Counterfeit Permit
Fine: $250
Appeal: Parking Services/Public Safety only
Misuse Of A Parking Permit
Fine: $100
Appeal: TAB, online
Move-In Tow Violation
Fine: $25
Appeal: TAB, online
No Valid Permit
Fine: $25
Appeal: TAB, online
Not In A Space
Fine: $25
Appeal: TAB, online
Obstructing Snow Removal
Fine: $25
Appeal: Parking Services/Public Safety only
Operating/Parking On Sidewalk
Fine: $50
Appeal: TAB, online
Other Than Assigned Lot
Fine: $50
Appeal: TAB, online
Overnight Parking
Fine: $25
Appeal: TAB, online
Overtaking A Moving Vehicle (Passing)
Fine: $25
Moving Violation
Appeal: Parking Services/Public Safety only
Parked In Reserved Space/Area
Fine: $25
Appeal: TAB, online
Parking In Fire Lane/Tow Zone
Fine: $25
Appeal: TAB, online
Parking On Grass
Fine: $25
Appeal: TAB, online
Fine: $50
Moving Violation
Appeal: Parking Services/Public Safety only
Reckless Driving
Fine: $50
Moving Violation
Appeal: Parking Services/Public Safety only
Speeding Non-Radar
Fine: $25
Appeal: TAB, online
Speeding: 20-30 mph
Fine: $30
Moving Violation
Appeal: Parking Services/Public Safety only
Speeding: 31-40 mph
Fine: $50
Moving Violation
Appeal: Parking Services/Public Safety only
Speeding: 41+ Auto Ban
Fine: $75
Moving Violation
Appeal: Parking Services/Public Safety only
Trespassing Scofflaw
Fine: $50
No Appeal
Unsafe Movement
Fine: $50
Moving Violation
Appeal: Parking Services/Public Safety only
Visitor Parking Only
Fine: $100
Appeal: TAB, online
Parking In A State Handicapped Space without State Issued Permit—First Offense
Fine: $150
ADA Violation
Appeal: Parking Services/Public Safety only
Parking In A State Handicapped Space without State Issued Permit—Second Offense
Fine: $250
ADA Violation
Appeal: Parking Services/Public Safety only
Parking and Moving Citation Appeals Procedures
For Faculty, Staff, and Students
ALL Parking Citation Appeal requests are made through the University of Hartford's Parking Services Portal then click the red LOGIN button at the top right. Login using your University of Hartford single sign-on credentials which are your email name (without the and your current email account password.
STUDENTS: To appeal a parking citation you must submit a parking appeal request on-line within 14 days of the issuance of the violation. Failure to do so within 14 days will result in the loss of the opportunity to appeal the citation, in which payment of the fines will be mandatory.
Appeals based on the following will NOT be accepted:- ignorance of the regulation
- stated inability to find a legal parking space
- operation of vehicle by another person
- stated failure of parking enforcement agents to ticket previously for similar offences
- inability to pay the fine
- disagreement with or disregard for traffic and parking regulations
Other fines and fees generated by the Parking Services Division:
Other fees generated by the Department of Public Safety Parking Services Division may be posted to your Bursar Account for payment, or may be payable on demand at the Public Safety Headquarters located in the Public Safety & Operations complex across from Konover. Public Safety Dispatch is open 24 hours a day seven days a week and accepts paper checks and cash only.
Any unknown scofflaw vehicle on campus is subject to tow or being immobilized with a boot device forcing the owner/operator to identify themselves and pay the outstanding violations the vehicle has generated as well as the boot removal fee. The boot fee is payable in cash only and must be paid before the boot device is removed. If the vehicle belongs to a University Community Member then the vehicle will be assigned to their Bursars account. This will transfer all outstanding citations for that vehicle to that account for payment. The person will also be required to purchase a parking permit* valid from the first date of citation issued to the vehicle. The parking permit fee and the outstanding parking citations may be paid through CashNet.
Non University Community Members will be required to pay all outstanding violations plus the boot fee in cash and the vehicle may be banned from all campus property or any properties controlled by the University from that point forward.
Ban-reinstatement fees will be posted to your Bursar account after you sign your reinstatement contract in the Parking Services offices.
The Emergency Tow Relocation fee is charged when pre-planned projects mandate removal of vehicles from a particular location at a particular time and the registered owner failed to follow the directions as communicated. All such communication will be made at least 48 hours in advance to all University Community members via email to your address. An example of a pre-planned project would include re-pavement of a parking lot, or snow removal.
The owner of any vehicle charged a relocation fee may also be cited with a parking violation related to the project such as obstructing snow removal. Any citation issued in conjunction with the tow fee maybe appealed as any parking citation, but the tow fee can only be appealed to the Director of Public Safety or his designee or Parking Services Staff. These requests must be made in writing or via email to within 14 days of the issuance of the fee.
Emergency Tow Relocation may also occur related to a natural disaster, fire on campus, perceived threat or other instance when for the general safety of the University Community members as a whole it is necessary to relocate your vehicle out of the danger zone. Due to the risk involved to University staff and vendors relocation the vehicle the University reserves the right to change back to the owner operator the fee incurred by the University in moving your car from a dangerous situation. Again this fee may be disputed in writing as above.
Log on to the University of Hartford's Parking Services Portal and then select the icon for appeal ticket. Any citations eligible for an appeal request will have a selection for appeal. If you wish to request an in person hearing of your citation please use the phrase “I request an in person appeal hearing” in the request box.
For Guests & Visitors:
Guests and Visitors who are not attending special events, entertainment and sporting events here at the University may appeal citations on-line, by US mail, in person at the Parking Services offices at Public Safety Monday through Friday 7 a.m.–3 p.m.
Click access the Parking Services Portal. Then click the appeal ticket icon. Either look up the citation by the ticket number or the plate and state of the vehicle it was issued to.
Public Safety is located in the Operations and Public Safety Complex across from Lincoln Theater and Konover Campus Center on the corner of Campus Road and Mark Train Drive.
If appealing by mail, please include your name address and phone information along with the citation and your purpose on campus. Our mailing address is
Department of Public Safety
Parking Services Division | APPEALS
University of Hartford
200 Bloomfield Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06117
The University of Hartford uses third party towing companies to service our towing needs. The current vendor is Cross Country Automotive. If your vehicle has been towed you are responsible for the towing and storage fees as well as any University fines for infractions that resulted in the tow.
Vehicles may be towed at the owner’s expense under following circumstances:
When a vehicle is illegally parked in a Handicapped Zone or Fire Lane.
Ban List / Trespass
No Permit or Not Posted—Procedure is to boot the vehicle, however, this is an option if the supervisor determines it is necessary.
Improperly parked in a “reserved area," visitor space or parked in a previously assigned spot
Motor vehicle accident
Parking on Sidewalks
Blocking a dumpster
Disabled vehicles left on University property without Public safety authorization
Lawn or landscaped area
Failure to comply with emergency directive or pre-communicated directive from Public Safety restricting or suspending parking. This includes snow removal, flooding, etc..
Parking in other than assigned lot.
Vehicles not registered with a department of motor vehicles or vehicles with an expired registration.
Recovery of Towed Vehicles
The owner/operator will be responsible to pick up their vehicle at the towing company, and is responsible for all towing and storage charges/fees.
What if my vehicle is towed?
First please call Public Safety at 860.768.7985 to confirm your vehicle was towed. If it was, then you need to call Cross Country at 860.296.2826 for towing charge information. Cross Country is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Cross Country takes CASH ONLY for all towing and storage charges. NO CHECK. DEBIT OR CREDIT CARDS. Cross Country is located at 585 Windsor Street Hartford CT 06120. Click below for the BEST directions to reach Cross Country. These directions will take you by highway to their offices. Other directions or online maps may take you over surface streets in Hartford. WE DO NOT RECOMMEND YOU USE ANY OTHER ROUTE.
Any unknown vehicle with two or more violations (known as a scofflaw vehicle) found parked on campus are subject to being immobilized with a boot device forcing the owner/operator to identify himself or herself and pay the outstanding violations the vehicle has generated as well as a boot removal fee.
The $25 boot removal fee is payable on demand in cash only and must be paid before the boot device is removed.
If the vehicle belongs to a University community member, then the vehicle will be assigned to their Banner/BossCars account. This action will transfer all outstanding citations for that vehicle to that account for payment. The operator will also be required to purchase a valid University parking permit based on their status* back dated and prorated from the earliest date of the citations issued to the vehicle. The parking permit fee and the outstanding parking citations may be paid through CashNet.
Non-University community members will be required to pay all outstanding violations plus the boot fee in cash and the vehicle may then be subject to a status of being banned from all campus property or any properties controlled by the University from that point forward.
*Status is based on your current academic standing in Banner or your current employment position codes.